
The Graduate Program in Nursing (PEN) at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PEN/UFSC) has reached grade 6 (out of 7) in the most recent triennial evaluation carried out by CAPES (the Brazilian Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in 2012. The program was set up in 1976, offering a Master’s Degree in Nursing, and later in 1993 it began offering a Doctoral Degree. Today, the Program has significantly consolidated its regional, national and international insertion.

In terms of social insertion and national solidarity, the program has had a prominent role in granting Master’s and Doctoral Degrees through Expanded Courses within the Network for the Promotion of Graduate Education of the Southern Region (REPENSUL) in the 1990s. This was possible with the creation of the Network linking five Centers in the Southern Region to UFSC, namely: Universidade Federal do Paraná, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Universidade Federal de Pelotas and Fundação Universidade do Rio Grande. This movement strengthened the graduate area and the granting of Master’s and Doctoral degrees, in addition to driving the creation of the Application for New Program Proposals (APCN) in these five Centers. The development of graduate education in Nursing in the Southern Region is, therefore, owed to PEN/UFSC, which spared no effort to achieve the reality which is now consolidated.

In relation to its international solidarity, since its creation in 1976 up to the present time, PEN/UFSC has granted degrees to:

  • 17 Master’s students, of which six from Peru (Narda Estela Calsin Chirinos, Gladys Amelia Velez Benito, Lita Miriam Moore Espinoza, Maria de Jesus Hernandez Rodrigues, Anita Hernandez Rodrigues and Justina Contreras Choque), two from Costa Rica (Nora Agnes Vega Villalobos and Jaime Alonso Caravaca Moreira), one from Argentina (Carlos Alberto Medrano), four from Portugal (Ana Filipa Marques Vieira Cascais, Jenifer Adriana Domingues Guedes, Paulo Jorge dos Santos Almeida and Pedro Miguel Garcez Sardo), and one from Ecuador (Marlene de los Angeles Segovia Herrera);
  • 14 Doctoral students, of which four from Colombia (Maria Marlene Montes Valverde, Marta Lucía Vasques, Clara Virginia Caro Castillo and Maria Angelica Arzuaga Salazar), two from Chile (Alejandrina Arratia Figueiroa and Maria Soledad Rivera), one from Costa Rica (Nora Agnes Vega Villalobos), two from  Argentina (Josefa Aida Delgado and Carlos Alberto Medrano), three from Peru (Gladys Carmela Santos Falcón, Lita Miriam Moore Espinoza and Narda Estela Calsin Chirinos) and one from Uruguay (Raul Fernando Sotelo Prandoni); and
  • 7 Postdoctoral researchers, of which five from Spain (Ana Maria Porcel Gálvez, Antonio Fernandes Martinez, Maria Angeles Garcia-Carpinero Munõz, María Aurora Rodríguez Borrego and Maria Eugenia Gil Garcia), one from Mexico (Lucila Cardenas Becerril) and one from Portugal (Maria do Céu Aguiar B. de Figueiredo).

That is, as of 2016, 34 professionals from abroad were granted degrees from PEN/UFSC, coming from countries such as: Peru, Costa Rica, Argentina, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Portugal and Spain. A further nine international graduate students are currently in the process of obtaining their degrees, coming from countries such as Pakistan and Angola.


Mapa Ibero com paises

One important achievement was the approval by CAPES of an international Interinstitutional Master’s Degree Project (MINTER) between UFSC and the Universidad de Magallanes – Punta Arenas/Chile, for the granting of 20 Master’s degrees in Nursing. This Project has helped promoting the qualification of the area in Latin America.

Emphasis is also placed on the participation of PEN/UFSC in the CAPES Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Of the nine editions of the CAPES Award, UFSC Graduate Program in Nursing received awards in five.

CAPES Dissertation Award in 2008 (3rd Edition), 2011 (6th Edition) and 2015 (9th Edition)

  • 2008
    • Author: Nalú Pereira da Costa Kerber / Supervisor: Ana Lúcia Cardoso Kirchhof
    • Dissertation: Home Care and the right to health: analysis of an experience in the public health network in Brazil
  • 2011
    • Author: Dulcinéia Ghizoni Schneider / Supervisor: Flávia Regina Souza Ramos
    • Dissertation: Professional discourses and moral deliberation: analysis based on ethical nursing processes.
  • 2015
    • Author: Ana Graziela Alvarez / Supervisor:  Grace Terezinha Marcon Dal Sasso
    • Dissertation: Persuasive technology in learning assessment of acute pain in nursing.


Honorable Mention in the years 2006 (1st Edition), 2012 (7th Edition) and 2014 (9th Edition)

  • 2006
    • Author:  Ana Lúcia Schaeffer Ferreira de Mello / Supervisor: Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann
    • Dissertation: Promoting oral health care of the older adult: revealing contradictions in the process of care and incorporating best practices based on the context of the long-term care institutions for older adults
  • 2012
    • Author:  Gisele Cristina Manfrini Fernandes / Supervisor: Astrid Eggert Boehs
    • Dissertation: Care routines and rituals in rural families in unexpected transitions following disasters
  • 2014
    • Author:  Jorge Lorenzetti / Supervisor: Francine Lima Gelbcke
    • Dissertation: Praxis: Management technology in hospital inpatient care units


Another important fact are the patents filed by PEN faculty members and students, as described below.

  • Year: 2014– Funding Body: UFSC. Title: PRAXIS. Authors: Francine Lima Gelbcke, Jaçany Aparecida Borges Prudente, Jorge Lorenzetti. Application number: 14196-6. Filing date: 01/10/2012. Grant date: 01/4/2014. Applicant Institution: National Intellectual Property Institute (INPI), requested by UFSC.
  • Year:  2015 – Funding Body: Title:  Electronic Register of Physiotherapy for Intensive Care (REFITI). Authors: Nayala Lirio Gomes Gazola and Grace T M Dal Sasso. Purpose: Computerized Electronic Record for Physiotherapy Professionals in ICUApplication number: BR5115000231. Grant date: 10/12/2014. Filing date: 19/03/15. Applicant Institution: INPI , requested by UFSC.
  • Year: 2016– Funding Body: UFSC. Title: SG-COT. Authors: Maria de Lourdes de Souza, Bernardo Panerai Velloso, Carlos Alberto Leal da Costa, Tiago Burgardt. Application number: BR512015001016-6. Filing date: 15/6/2015; Grant date: 8/3/2016. Applicant Institution: INPI , requested by UFSC.


In order to meet its teaching, research, management and outreach needs, in May 2013, PEN has expanded its infrastructure, with the inauguration of the Center for Nursing and Health Care Research and Technology (CEPETEC).


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