Postdoctoral Researcher

Dear postdoctoral researcher, welcome to the UFSC Graduate Program in Nursing!

Here you will find important information for your academic life over the coming months.

In addition to reading this material, it is important that you get to know our BYLAWS. You should also be aware of the specific legislation on postdoctoral research at UFSC: Normative Resolution No. 36/CUn, of 31 October 2013.

Should you have any doubts, we are available at and at +55 (48) 3721-4910. Our front office is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.

After handing in the required documents for registration at the PEN office, the registration is authorized by the Prorectorate For Graduate Studies (PROPG) and the registration number is sent via email by the Program’s office.

Documents for Registration

In the Normative Resolution No. 36/Cun, you have access to all the information necessary for doing your postdoctoral research at UFSC. The list of documents required is provided below.

IMPORTANT: All physical documents must ALSO be sent by email in the form of a PDF file.

1. Copy of the application form (formulário de inscrição), filled out via CAPG, whose link is available in:

a)      The applicant must fill out the area and line of research of the Program to which he or she will be linked in the specific part of the form for this purpose.

2. Letter of acceptance from the supervisor, containing the specific period in which the postdoctoral research will be undertaken (dd/mm/yy of start and end) and the area and line of research of the Program to which the project will be linked, as well as other information which are considered to be relevant, such as the awarding of grants from funding bodies or other sources, in applicable cases.

The supervisor must be a permanent member of the Program faculty.

3. Volunteer Service Agreementduly signed (by the Program Coordinator, the applicant and witnesses).

a)      The signature of the Prorector for Graduate Studies will be digitally added in the process when this is sent to the Prorectorate’s Scholarship Office for analysis.

b)      The time period to be recorded in the agreement must be of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 months, allowing for up to 4 extensions to take place.

c)      This agreement must only be filled out by researchers who do not receive grants and/or are not governmental employees.

4. Up-to-date Curriculum Vitae, generated using the LATTES Platform.

In the case of foreigners who do not have a LATTES Curriculum, a curriculum vitae in a similar format must be attached;

5. A certified copy of the doctoral diploma (front and back), issued by an institution with a Graduate Program accredited by CAPES.

a)       If the diploma has not yet been issued, the dissertation approval form must be provided.

b)      The acceptance of the above-mentioned document for application for the postdoctoral position is at the discretion of the Program’s Council and does not substitute the later provision of the diploma.

c)      The certificate of completion of the postdoctoral studies will only be issued upon receipt and inclusion of the diploma in the candidate’s digital registration process.

d)      Diplomas of doctoral degrees conferred abroad must present an authentication seal from the Brazilian Consulate, except in cases supported by a specific diplomatic agreement.

6. Plan of work to be developed at UFSC.

a) The plan of work must contain a maximum of 20 pages, including the timetable and the teaching activities planned, if there are any.

7. Proof of grant by funding bodies or other sources, should the applicant have a study and/or research grant, OR Proof of sufficient funds to cover personal and research expenses, should the applicant not receive any grant.

8. Statement of full time availability and exclusive dedication to the postdoctoral studies;

a)    If the applicant is employed: statement from the employee authorizing the leave for postdoctoral studies. OR

b)      If full absence from work is not possible, the applicant must attach a statement signed by him or herself and the supervisor, confirming the dedication of 40 hours per week to the postdoctoral activities;

c)      Statement of awareness from the institutions/companies regarding the postdoctoral studies, specifying the applicant’s workdays and weekly workload.

9. Certified copy of the RG (identity document) and CPF (individual taxpayer number).

a)      A driver’s license is not valid.

b)      In the case of foreigners, a copy of the National Registry of Foreigners (Registro Nacional de Estrangeiro – RNE) card and passport must be attached.

NB: The physical documents must be handed in in person at the program’s office, or delivered by SEDEX (Brazilian express delivery service), addressed to:

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem – PEN / UFSC
Caixa Postal 5057
CEP: 88.040-900
Florianópolis / SC

Applicants for the CAPES National Postdoctoral Program (PNPD/CAPES) must follow the rules of the specific Call published each year on our website.

Grant holders

If you have been awarded a PNPD/CAPES grant, we remind you that you are not allowed to receive payment from employment by private companies or the State, in accordance with the Ordinance No. 86 of 2013 – CAPES. We advise you to carefully read the above-mentioned rules, paying attention to your rights and obligations.

Annual reports

In order for us to be able to update data regarding your research output with CAPES, at the end of each year you must hand in the Annual Student Report (Relatório Anual Discente) filled out and signed (in a printed version and via email).
Grant holders must also hand in, in addition to the above-mentioned report, the Monitoring Form for Grant Holders (Formulário de Acompanhamento de Bolsistas).

Support for Events

To request financial support for events, carefully read the guidelines below and hand in the filled-out form to Claudia Garcia, in the Projects room – room 111, ground floor, Block 1. Should you have any doubts, send an email to or call us at +55 48 3721-2217.

Support for Events – Guidelines

Support for Events – Request

Support for Events – Reimbursement 


You can request the extension of your postdoctoral studies by making a request to the Program’s Council. For this, prior to the expected end of your studies, you must hand in the following documents to the PEN office:

  1. Partial report of activities undertaken;
  2. Supervisor’s approval of the partial report;
  3. Work plan for the next period, with timetable; and
  4. Extension Request, providing the new start and end dates (day/month/year).

Final report

At the end of your postdoctoral research, your report will also go through approval by the Program’s Council. For this, you will have to hand in the following documents to the PEN office:

  1. Postdoctoral Research Report;
  2. Your supervisor’s approval of the report; and
  3. Proof of absence of debts to the University Library.


Your certificate will be issued upon approval of your Final Report by the Program’s Council.
PEN office will inform you by email when your Certificate is ready. You must collect it in person, or request somebody else to do this for you, informing the office by email of the name and identity card number (RG) of the person who will come to collect it.