Master’s Degree Program

Program Structure

The structure of the Master’s Degree Program in Nursing comprises 24 credits, namely:

  • 8 credits in mandatory courses (4 in courses which are common to both areas, and 4 in courses which are specific to each);
  • 3 credits in instrumental elective courses (among three options of methodological focus);
  • 7 credits in elective courses from the flexible axis, or instrumental elective courses from the Doctoral Degree Program, or validated courses from other programs (complying with the limits imposed by the regulations on credits validation);
  • 6 credits in Thesis Work.



Area of Concentration 1: Philosophy and Care in Health and Nursing Area of Concentration 2: Education and Work in Health and Nursing
Required Courses
  • Theoretical-philosophical Conceptions in the Process of Caring in Nursing and Health   (4 credits) 
  • Education and Work in Health and Nursing (4 credits) 
  • Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Research on Health and Nursing (04 credits)  – 
Instrumental Elective Courses (at least one must be taken)
  • Qualitative Research on Health and Nursing (3 credits)
  • Quantitative Research on Health and Nursing (3 credits)
  • Convergent Care Research Methodology (3 credits)
Elective Courses – Flexible Axis
  • Special Topics in Nursing (1 to 2 credits)
  • Teaching Practicum (2 to 4 credits)

Total: 24 credits. Time limit for degree completion: 24 months.

Course Descriptions

Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Research on Health and Nursing – 4 credits

Description: Scientific thinking. Epistemology and history of Science. Research as an instrument for intervention on reality. Research designs. Qualitative and quantitative studies in nursing and health. General stages of scientific investigation. Ethics in research.

Theoretical-philosophical conceptions in the Process of Care in Nursing and Health – 4 credits

Description: Different epistemological schools of thought in health and nursing. The evolution of health and nursing knowledge. Theoretical frameworks in the current context of health and nursing care. Ethics and profession in Health and Nursing.

Education and Work in Health and Nursing – 4 credits

Description: Scenario of professional practices in Health and Nursing – historical, sociological and political dimensions. Training in health and nursing. Public policies on education and health. Ethics and bioethics.

Qualitative Research in Health and Nursing – 3 credits

Description: Qualitative investigation projects: methodological bases, trends and perspectives. Theoretical-methodological deepening for the development of the thesis project. Strategies for data collection and analysis.

Quantitative Research in Health and Nursing – 3 credits

Description: Quantitative investigation projects: methodological bases, trends and perspectives. Theoretical-methodological deepening of quantitative research designs. Data collection strategies. Parametric and nonparametric methods for data analysis.

Convergent Care Research Methodology – 3 credits

Description: Investigation/intervention projects: methodological bases, trends and perspectives. Convergent care research. Theoretical-methodological deepening for the development of the thesis project. Strategies for data collection and analysis.

Special Topics in Nursing – 1 to 2 credits

Description: Development of current, controversial and/or innovative topics of interest for research, care and teaching in nursing and health. N.B.: This course is offered on the initiative of the program, in response to a request from a set of students (minimum of 5 students) or due to exchange opportunities of faculty and research projects. It has a specific description according to the topic chosen.

Teaching Practicum – 2 to 4 credits

Description: Participation in teaching activities at the secondary, undergraduate or graduate level. Trying out new teaching and learning methodologies/technologies. Inter-institutional exchange of curricular and/or extracurricular activities.

Credits – Thesis Work – 06 credits

Description: Activities for the theoretical-methodological development of the master’s thesis.

NB.: The Master’s student can take elective courses from the Doctoral Program and the Professional Master’s Program in Nursing Care Management, particularly in his or her area of concentration.